Our worship continues to be virtual only, except on the Second Sundays when we meet in person as well as hybrid with Jacob Baccus preaching.
You can join our virtual worship every Sunday at 10:00 am via Zoom by clicking on the Zoom Worship link above. The Meeting ID is 279 639 1001.
You can watch the message from August 25 at https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/KaUJmyEHnQMmgb-OFg1XqSNJ_3K_e0p0K9B0CxImaHj9GR6NchWTFjaXB9kw-XY3.rCeKGjZoIqDyOeQJ?startTime=1724592599000.
What to Expect for Worship
Every Sunday Zoom worship opens at approximately 9:45 am EST to ensure everyone has time to log on and join the event.
As you join the Zoom meeting, you will enter into a virtual waiting room. Within a minute or two, you'll be granted access to the main worship meeting. Zoom does use your computer's microphone and web camera, so please be sure to be camera and mic ready. If you prefer not to be seen on screen, turn your camera off. If your background is noisy, please turn your microphone off unless you want to speak.
As we gather each Sunday, we sing hymns, read scripture, listen to a message, pray for one another, and create community by sharing time together chatting.
Service lasts approximately one hour or a little less. Following each service is a virtual 'coffee hour,' which is a dedicated time to chat and catch up on life. It usually lasts no longer than 15-20 minutes.
Everyone is free to come and go as they wish, so feel welcome to stick around after service or head out.
Please note: If you do not have a computer with a camera or microphone, you can join the zoom service by telephone. To gain access to worship via telephone, please join our mailing list to receive the Sunday bulletin and the phone number for access.