An Active Community of Faith
The First Congregational Church of Verona was founded in 1896 and has sought to bring the love of God to Verona and the surrounding communities since that time. We believe that everyone is welcome in God’s eyes, and we seek to welcome and include everyone in our fellowship. In 2014, we became an Open and Affirming Congregation, welcoming all persons of every race, culture, age, gender, socio-economic status, physical or mental ability, marital status, faith, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression. We practice open communion. We believe that whoever you are, or where ever you are in life’s journey, you’re welcome here.
to include Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. In 1966, we started the first nursery school in Verona, and the church still houses a nursery school, Serenity Montessori, which is separately owned.
Our congregation’s reach goes beyond the community, however. We regularly hold food collections as well as collections for Church World Service disaster and other kits. Several years ago, we helped a Liberian seeking asylum be reunited with his family. We are a founding member of Bridge of Faith, a project that aids schools, orphanages, and other social service groups in Awka, Nigeria, and collect goods and hold African craft sales to raise funds.

The First Congregational Church of Verona is a member congregation of the United Church of Christ. We participate actively in New Jersey Association, Central Atlantic Conference and national events and programs.
From its start, the congregation has been community-minded. In 1920, the Troop 2 Boy Scouts of America charter was issued with church sponsorship. That same troop is with us today – its membership grown from that first group of Scouts

We care for the environment, as well. Bridge of Faith is a frequent vendor of items made from recycled materials at Green events, such as the Wild Earth Festival, the Earthfest Overpeck and other environmental fairs, selling crafts made from recycled materials and educating the public about all the attractive and useful items that can be made from things people discard.
In 2021, we are launching a new ministry called Connect, which aims to be a non-traditional community of faith for young adults and families in the West Essex area.
Be sure to check out more about our partners in ministry by visiting their page.